Gimme Five / One Less Latte
Join the YJLC Young Professionals "Tzedakah"- Contribution Campaign!
Help celebrate the fact that the Magen David Adom was just welcomed in this summer as one of the International Red Cross agencies.
We're calling it the Gimme Five ("Tayn Lei Chameish" in Hebrew) or "One Less Latte" campaign. A minimum $5 contribution to either (or both!) the American Red Cross or the Magen David Adom (Israel's Red Cross agency) will put you on the Tribute List to be presented to the disaster relief organizations.
Imagine your contribution multiplied 200 or 2,000 times with other participating young professionals. Will you miss a "five spot"? Probably not. Will your $5 donation, multiplied by hundreds or thousands of others, have an effect? You better believe it! Help show the power of caring young adults!
Note: If you are connected with a synagogue, organization, or network of friends, we need your help to make this effort even more of a phenomenal success. For more info, please email YJLC Administrator .
Tzedakah Contribution Campaign
Please fill out the info on the form above, then click the "submit" button.
Please let your friends know about this and get them to sign up, too! The more friends, the more contributions, the more helping, the more good feelings! For more info, or to send suggestions, please contact YJLC Administrator .